At 06:01 AM 4/26/2005, Mladen Turk wrote:

>I wish to make the 1.2.11 as a bugfix release, so where's the
>churn in that?

Nothing, 1.2.11 is wonderful.  

You proposed releasing 1.2.12/stable a few days afterwards.

I don't know if calling 1.2.12/stable in a few days is really such
a hot idea.  1.2.4, 1.2.6 worked for most users for a very long time,
and with all the new features/development on 1.2, it would be good
to see all this effort solidify before being blessed 'stable'.

Certainly give the testing community time to stress this.  In the
case of httpd, the 3-day rule came from itself, it's
possible to shove a huge volume of real world traffic at our own
web server over three days.  

In the case of jk, our testers seem to be asking for more time to
do a thorough job of testing.  1.2.10 release had a few latent
hiccups, so my question is, why the rush from 1.2.11 to 1.2.12?


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