William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
- sprintf(szMsg, "%s error: %d", "Jakrta - Tomcat", dwErr);
+ sprintf(szMsg, "%s error: %d", "Jakarta - Tomcat", dwErr);

Mladen, we are in the process of graduating. If this is being tweaked, why not "Apache Tomcat {descriptive} Event"?

Well, you said you will maintain the nt-service, so feel free to tweak that as desired ;)

Personally I think that the nt-service is useless project, because
we have a full-blown nt service wrapper and manager for Tomcat5
(procrun in commons/daemon), so I see no point to maintain
an additional service wrapper whatsoever.
That's why I would like to see that deprecated for 1.3 branch.


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