Jaran Nilsen wrote:

Hello, I am creating a servlet which I want to be registered by a
name, like JNDI, so that other applications running in Tomcat can look
up this servlet and call methods directly on it in addition to
accessing it via HTTP requests.
I don't think that's wise, and it probably violates the spec and/or can't
be made to work. What, for example, do you expect to happen when
one of those other apps calls a method that (directly or indirectly) invokes
getServletContext()?  Where are the "other applications" going to get
the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects? A servlet is designed to run in a given environment - a servlet container. If you want general RPC, why
not just use RMI?

Or was your statement ambiguous and you just want other apps to look up the
URL in JNDI, then invoke it via HTTP (e.g., via a java.net.URL object).

I have no problems registering it in the Context where the application
is running, but I would like to register it outside of this context,
more globally, so that the other applications can look it up. I try to
register it in the java:comp/env and java:comp contexts but I get the
message that "The Context is read only".

See the docs for setting up Factories, as is done for JDBC and Mail Session

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