I debug Tomcat all the time using Eclipse. I can't see any reason why this would work in Eclipse but not NetBeans. It looks like a configuration problem.


Hernan Ochoa wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to debug tomcat itself v5.5.9 using netbeans 4.1 without much luck.
I'm able to attach to a running instance of tomcat using JPDA, but
then my breakpoints are activated erraticaly, and when they actually
break the execution of the program, if I trace to trace the code, it
usually ends up in the debugged application continuing its execution,
I cannot actually debug this way....

Did someone try this before?
These are the things I did:

-compiled tomcat 5.5.9 with a build.properties file containing:
(I added the build.properties file in the root directory of the source
distribution, and also inside jakarta-tomcat-5)
-I added all .java files into a new netbeans project (I created a new
project with the option "new project with existing java source files"
or sthg like that)
-I run tomcat using the command /bin/catalina.sh jpda start
-I attach to the instance of tomcat running with netbeans
-I set the breakpoints by toggling them into the .java source files I
added on netbeans. Sometimes I do this from the Files window, and
sometimes from the Projects windows. Here I'm not sure what's the
right way to go.

Any help with this would be much appreciated.
If anyone has sucessfully debugged tomcat with another debugger,
please let me know also.

Thanks in advance.

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