I've been working on some code for Form authentication in Tomcat that I think 
you all might be interested in. In addition to implementing the current 
J2EE/Servlet spec for authentication (i.e. j_security_check with two keys: 
j_username, j_password authenticated with the Realm), it also offers some major 
increases in authentication capabilities with the simple inclusion of an XML 
file in a web-context's WEB-INF folder.
I created this flexible Form authentication with a main concern being that it 
be as non-intrusive on Catalina code and the Servlet spec as possible. To use 
this new code, only one line in a properties file needs to be changed:
 ( Authenticators.properties )
Obviously, if you are interested in the code, the above class' package would be 
changed to a Catalina package.
While this API implementation does have a number of new classes, there are ZERO 
changes for any existing Catalina code (save for replacing FormAuthenticator 
with this new FormAuthenticator). The classes could even be kept in the current 
jar I've got them in.
There is also no impact on the Servlet spec for Form authentication. There are 
ZERO changes to web.xml or any other deployment or code files of a web context. 
If a web application wants to use the usual username + password authentication, 
the Form authentication will act exactly as it does currently in Tomcat. If the 
web application wants to use the new form authentication, all that's needed is 
to include "WEB-INF/form-authentication.xml." That's it. ALL web.xml 
configurations remain the same (e.g. securing pages is still done via 
security-constraint). However, with that XML file included the application gets 
the following capabilities:
1. Plug in any pre-authentication key manipulators (called KeyPreparer).
For example, if a database stores all passwords in a one-way hash, you can 
register (in the XML) the password key to be "prepared" by your 
password-hashing KeyPreparer just prior to sending to an authenticator. (I have 
created an example of this) This offers a lot of flexibility in terms of 
storing login keys. If it were necessary to stop hashing passwords, the 
deployer could simply remove one line in an XML file and the KeyPreparer is 
2. Plug in any number of custom authenticators (called PluginAuthenticator).
Currently, the only authentication possible in the Catalina implementation is a 
username and password to a Realm. With this implementation a web context could 
require a username, password and a file. Because this form authentication 
accepts multipart/form-data POSTs (it converts an uploaded file to 
java.io.InputStream), the web context could require that users carry a USB key 
ring (that has an encrypted file for example) so when they login from a remote 
computer (in a web browser) they can point an input of type=file to that file. 
The developers could then have two authenticators:
 1. The default authentication (All PluginAuthenticators have controlled access 
to the Realm)
     which checks the username and password.
 2. Their custom authenticator that checks an encrypted file matches the data
     stored for the username (they register for the username and file in XML).
(I have created an example of this)
3. Create as many authentication keys (called SecurityRoleKeys) as needed.
In the current authentication model, only a username and password are allowed. 
Here, a web context could (in XML) require a username, a password, a file, a 
random number and any other keys they wish. All keys can be given a class type 
to which they will be converted by the form authentication. For example, the 
username and password would likely be java.lang.String, the random number 
java.lang.Long and the file java.io.InputStream. (I have JavaDocs and an 
example XML file that show all the allowed types) So a KeyPreparer or 
PluginAuthenticator can expect a key to be a certain type.
4. Accept multipart/form-data POSTs.
As mentioned above, this form authentication can handle login forms of 
enctype="multipart/form-data". As a result, it enables the ability to require 
file data for logins. For example, an encrypted certificate file installed on 
an external USB drive or locally on a hard drive.
5. Set a default secure page for logins with no saved request.
Currently, if a user goes directly to the login page and logs in, Tomcat will 
throw an error, "No web resource available at /j_security_check" (or something 
like that). With this new form authentication, in the XML the deployer can set 
a default secure redirect page. For example, if the deployer sets the default 
page as "/secure-default.jsp" and a user goes directly to the login page and 
successfully authenticates, they'll be sent to "/secure-default.jsp" instead of 
getting an error.
With all of the above capabilities, there are also quite a few configuration 
options. For example, authenticators can be set as Required or Supported (among 
other things). The options are too many to be of value in this email, but I 
have detailed explanations of them in my JavaDocs, example application, DTD and 
help files.
If the Tomcat team is interested in this code just let me know and I can send 
the jar file, example app., install instructions (it's pretty simple), 
JavaDocs, etc. I think this would be a good addition to the current 
authentication API not just because of the added capabilities but also because 
of its relative lack of impact on the current code and API.
(I have used this new form authentication in Tomcat 4.x, 5.x and JBoss w/Tomcat 
5.x both with and without SingleSignOn)
- David Musicant

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