
Currently we are running tomcat 5.5.9 on Debian Sarge, with Java JDK <>, together with apache,

apache-common 1.3.33-6 support files for all Apache webservers
apache2 2.0.54-4 next generation, scalable, extendable web se
apache2-common 2.0.54-4 next generation, scalable, extendable web se
apache2-mpm-pr 2.0.54-4 traditional model for Apache2
apache2-utils 2.0.54-4 utility programs for webservers 
libapache-mod- 4.3.10-15 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag
libapache2-mod 4.3.9-2 Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication
libapache2-mod 2.0.4-3 Apache 2.0 connector for the Tomcat Java ser
libapache2-mod 4.3.10-15 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag
libapache2-mod 0.5.2-3 Apache2 module to run php scripts with the o

Unfortunatly tomcat does not respond on monitor check any/every day between 
06:26:00 and 06:27:00.....
message : [CEST Aug 4 06:26:30] 'tomcat' failed, cannot open a connection to 
INET[pzzl04.pzzl.com:80/manager <http://pzzl04.pzzl.com:80/manager>]

first message from catalina.out log 
[Aug 4, 2005 6:26:31 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol pause INFO: 
Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080]

Now our monitoring system, notices the stop and restarts tomcat, but this is 
not acceptable in the long run....
Also restarting tomcat at any moment in the day does not change the time it 
goes down....

Any suggestions?

Greetings O.

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