Hugo Osorio wrote:

Hello everybody

i am running Version: Apache Tomcat/5.0.29 on FreeBSD

i have been working with apache forrest, but i haven't do anything to Tomcat configuration

all of a sudden i've got this message, and begins to start, but it launch error messages, i cannot see anything at localhost:8080

this is the message, any help?: thank you

zulu# ./ run &
[1] 1530
zulu# Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0
Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat5.0/temp
Using JAVA_HOME: /usr/local/jdk1.4.2
Aug 25, 2005 4:48:03 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester fatalError
SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 458 column 9: The element type "Context" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</Context>". org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "Context" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</Context>".
This is not a developer's question. We did NOT change anything on your site to "all of a sudden" make it stop working. Read the part of the error mesage that is quoted above and you will be able to solve the problem yourself. If you still can't get it, please try the user's list.

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