| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|17310|Ver|Nor|2003-02-22|;jsessionid confuses StandardHost....can't find Co|
|19803|Ver|Maj|2003-05-09|manager reload fails and disables app - Incompatib|
|19958|Ver|Maj|2003-05-15|Problems reading ServletInputStream               |
|21045|Ver|Nor|2003-06-24|Manager app does find resources                   |
|21600|Ver|Nor|2003-07-15|<Parameter>'s lost after manager stop/start or rel|
|22679|Ver|Enh|2003-08-24|how to access ssl session ID out of tomcat to prev|
|22986|Ver|Nor|2003-09-08|Web apps with context XML file don't start if CATA|
|24413|Ver|Nor|2003-11-04|bundled JMX implementation not compliant to specif|
|24942|Opn|Nor|2003-11-24|Tomcat 5.0.16 / Windows 2000 Service does not star|
|24943|Ver|Nor|2003-11-24|Tomcat 5.0.14 / Windows 2000 Service does not star|
|25078|Ver|Nor|2003-11-29|Catalina Ant Serverinfo task always fails         |
|26979|New|Enh|2004-02-16|StandardServer don't save cluster config          |
|27104|Opn|Nor|2004-02-20|got an exception when testing a simple cluster app|
|27338|Ver|Maj|2004-03-01|Wrong mappings for JSP Documents (.jspx)          |
|28039|New|Enh|2004-03-30|Cluster Support for SingleSignOn                  |
|28633|New|Nor|2004-04-27|Add JMX Support to ClusterManager                 |
|28634|New|Nor|2004-04-27|Extend StandardManager/StandardSession for DeltaMa|
|28875|Ver|Nor|2004-05-10|Multi-byte characters in default error page aren't|
|29091|Opn|Nor|2004-05-19|Non-ascii characters are not handled correctly... |
|29160|Ver|Enh|2004-05-23|precompile problem: _jspx_meth_* (javax.servlet.js|
|29497|Unc|Nor|2004-06-10|Connection pool, redeployment                     |
|29521|Ver|Cri|2004-06-11|No destroy methods called on service shutdown     |
|29780|New|Min|2004-06-24|Why we need a jkMain static attibute?             |
|30241|Ver|Enh|2004-07-21|Enhance build script to use branch argument when c|
|30833|Ver|Nor|2004-08-24|request.getServerPort() returns wrong port (WAS: r|
|31125|Opn|Nor|2004-09-08|conf/web.xml not valid                            |
|31804|Opn|Maj|2004-10-20|setParent() is not called on nested tags in a tag |
|32081|New|   |2004-11-05|Wrapper scripts require a JDK to be present.      |
|32141|New|Nor|2004-11-10|Memory leak in Jk connector, ChannelSocket.registe|
|32180|New|Nor|2004-11-11|EL functions are executed in privileged context   |
|32280|Ver|Cri|2004-11-17|Problem clustering tomcat when a failed server is |
|32569|Ass|Nor|2004-12-07|ServletContextListener will not die               |
|32593|Inf|Maj|2004-12-09|Server (Apache 2.0.48) reached MaxClients setting |
|32754|Inf|Nor|2004-12-17|Can't modify thread configuration attributes of AJ|
|32832|Ver|Maj|2004-12-23|request.getSession(false) fails to return null.   |
|32888|Inf|Nor|2004-12-30|Each cluster slave creates duplicated session on t|
|33180|Ver|Nor|2005-01-20|JSTL automatic type conversion gives unexpected re|
|33262|Inf|Nor|2005-01-27|Service Manager autostart should check for adminis|
|33356|Inf|Maj|2005-02-02|Incorrect parsing of tag attributes               |
|33407|Inf|Nor|2005-02-05|\$ is quoted even with el-ignored=true            |
|33453|Opn|Enh|2005-02-08|Jasper should recompile JSP files whose datestamps|
|33494|New|Enh|2005-02-10|jscv configure script fails on x86_64             |
|33650|Inf|Enh|2005-02-19|Jasper performance for multiple files processing  |
|33671|Opn|Enh|2005-02-21|Manual Windows service installation with custom na|
|33782|New|Nor|2005-03-01|notifyListenerOnReplication has no effect when sta|
|33831|Ver|Nor|2005-03-03|RequestDispatcher.forward and resource missing    |
|33911|New|Enh|2005-03-08|Request for security role mapping (role-to-group/u|
|34006|Ver|Nor|2005-03-14|Undeploy of webapps with antiResourceLocking in ME|
|34016|Ver|Nor|2005-03-15|antiResourceLocking webapp fails to deploy on Tomc|
|34033|Ver|Nor|2005-03-16|Cannot delete users using Administration Tool weba|
|34076|Inf|Nor|2005-03-18|overriding content.xml docBase with manager webapp|
|34319|New|Nor|2005-04-06|StoreBase.processExpires() is very inefficient    |
|34396|Inf|   |2005-04-11|security exception using datasource in <servlet-in|
|34399|Opn|Nor|2005-04-11|Undeploying fails when context defined in server.x|
|34509|New|Nor|2005-04-19|tag names that are xml:Name but not java identifie|
|34560|Opn|Maj|2005-04-22|AuthenticatorBase tests and applies disableProxyCa|
|34643|New|Enh|2005-04-27|document how to use certificate-based "clientAuth"|
|34647|New|Maj|2005-04-27|Tomcat cluster - "Unable to receive message throug|
|34724|New|Enh|2005-05-03|Domain for single sign-on cookie                  |
|34769|Inf|Nor|2005-05-05|ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when reading|
|34801|New|Nor|2005-05-08|PATCH: CGIServlet does not kill CGI child process |
|34856|Inf|Nor|2005-05-11|MacOSX 10.4 and Java 5 jnilibs causes ZipException|
|34868|New|Enh|2005-05-11|allow to register a trust store for a session that|
|34952|New|Nor|2005-05-18|Installer modifies windows service when it shouldn|
|34956|Inf|Nor|2005-05-18|Tomcat should enforce the requirements from servle|
|34984|New|Nor|2005-05-20|HttpSessionBindingEvent.getName() returns null in |
|35036|New|Enh|2005-05-24|JNDI Realm unable to use NIS context factory & FLA|
|35054|Inf|Enh|2005-05-25|warn if appBase is not existing as a File or direc|
|35064|Inf|Nor|2005-05-25|Admin WebApp fails to open connectors when clicked|
|35079|Inf|Enh|2005-05-26|Should be able to specify DNS lookup timeout      |
|35252|New|Nor|2005-06-07|jasper2 produced malformed expanded XML view      |
|35276|New|Nor|2005-06-08|Calling EL fuction in same taglib from tagfile tri|
|35282|New|Maj|2005-06-09|Unable to use connector AJP on W2003 Server with I|
|35300|New|Nor|2005-06-09|Thread pool expands when many threads are idle    |
|35351|Opn|Nor|2005-06-14|Unable to reference nested/inner classes in <jsp:u|
|35461|Opn|Maj|2005-06-22|bad request http 400 using mod_jk 1.2.13. After do|
|35552|Opn|Cri|2005-06-29|JMS destination under <Context>                   |
|35606|New|Maj|2005-07-05|Problem with Session cookies and multiple webapps |
|35635|New|Nor|2005-07-06|Tomcat service does not log startup error messages|
|35710|New|Enh|2005-07-12|Enable Session Replication via Cross Context calls|
|35715|New|Nor|2005-07-13|Buffering in JK needs to be configurable for IIS  |
|35746|Inf|Nor|2005-07-14|session manager should be immune to system clock t|
|35765|New|Enh|2005-07-16|make the SSL cipher config in server.xml fail safe|
|35827|New|Blk|2005-07-22|Problem with POST forms with jk connector/IIS/Wind|
|35835|Inf|Nor|2005-07-23|Submitting changes through admin app corrupts the |
|35869|New|Maj|2005-07-26|Can't run as a service on Windows Server 2003 64-B|
|35914|Unc|Nor|2005-07-28|Problem to create and delete Access Log Valve many|
|35916|New|Nor|2005-07-28|Session listeners not called on cluster server res|
|35920|New|Min|2005-07-28|AOBE when IPAddress of nodes differ in length     |
|35943|New|Nor|2005-07-30|request.getRemoteUser() is not getting populated o|
|35968|New|Nor|2005-08-02|Please make  Environment Entry Properties Value in|
|35982|New|Nor|2005-08-02|Deleting Mail Session Causes Error 500            |
|36019|New|Nor|2005-08-04|host-manager-howto.html is missing in Host-Manager|
|36121|New|Maj|2005-08-10|Including JSP's changes working directory         |
|36133|New|Enh|2005-08-10|Support JSS SSL implementation                    |
|36138|New|Enh|2005-08-11|mod_jk load balance algorithm that accounts for cu|
|36153|Inf|Nor|2005-08-12|html:form action is blank                         |
|36155|New|Nor|2005-08-12|tomcat chooses wrong host if using mod_jk         |
|36169|New|Maj|2005-08-12|[PATCH] Enable chunked encoding for IIS JK connect|
|36179|New|Nor|2005-08-14|Error getting setter for Tag Attribute            |
|36199|New|Nor|2005-08-15|java plugin                                       |
|36202|New|Nor|2005-08-16|configure: error: Unsupported operating system "ai|
|36204|New|Cri|2005-08-16|Webapp unable to pick the Class by the shared clas|
|36218|Inf|Nor|2005-08-17|principal replication problem in cluster          |
|36245|New|Cri|2005-08-18|Cannot make Socket Connection after extended usage|
|36247|New|Nor|2005-08-18|Jasper <jsp:include page="foo.xml"/> throws Illega|
|36319|New|   |2005-08-23|broken link to DBCP configuration reference       |
|36336|New|Nor|2005-08-24|java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String |
|36362|New|Nor|2005-08-25|missing check for Java reserved keywords in tag fi|
|36365|New|Blk|2005-08-26|IIS5.1-isapi_redirector.dll (1.2.14) plugin issue |
|36366|New|Nor|2005-08-26|General rewrite of the deployer howto page        |
|36388|New|Nor|2005-08-26|Custom error page for error code 401 ignored in To|
|36389|New|Nor|2005-08-26|ignorable whitespace is not dropped from tag docum|
|36470|New|Nor|2005-09-02|Connections not release on encountering exception.|
|36538|Opn|Nor|2005-09-07|(Apache 2.0.54) mod_jk 1.2.14 ignores -ForwardDire|
|36540|New|Nor|2005-09-07|pooled cluster replication does not seem ensure sy|
|36548|New|Nor|2005-09-07|First undeploy doesn't work                       |
|36549|New|Nor|2005-09-07|Tomcat Stopped with HotSpot libjvm error          |
|36569|New|Nor|2005-09-09|Redirects produce illegal URL's                   |
|36578|Opn|Nor|2005-09-09|How to use a truststore other than cacerts        |
|36580|New|Maj|2005-09-09|Bad setting in uriworkermap.properties            |
|36630|New|Maj|2005-09-13|Error instantiating servlet class                 |
|36662|New|Min|2005-09-15|Manager does not load as /manager, only as /manage|
|36663|New|Nor|2005-09-15|setclasspath.bat requires that JAVA_HOME points to|
|36673|New|Nor|2005-09-15|can't delete detasource                           |
|36681|Inf|Nor|2005-09-16|2 Tomcat 5.5.7 clusters come to a grinding hault a|
|36711|New|Cri|2005-09-19|realm not handled in WebXml2Jk.java               |
|36742|Opn|Nor|2005-09-20|Missing diagnostics in InternalInputBuffer on over|
|36756|New|Nor|2005-09-21|taglib setter not found when having get, is and se|
|36767|New|Min|2005-09-22|Taglibrary utilizing generified collections       |
|36771|New|Maj|2005-09-22|Using DataSource Realm exausts connections on rede|
|36827|New|Maj|2005-09-27|Need an option to severe socket connections betwee|
|36837|New|Enh|2005-09-28|Looking for ProxyHandler implementation of Http re|
|36840|Opn|Nor|2005-09-28|NullPointerException processing Realm in Context  |
|36847|New|Maj|2005-09-28|ZipException when using "tag" in deploy ant task  |
|36852|New|Nor|2005-09-29|Custom Webapp loaders don't correctly honor contex|
|36853|Inf|Nor|2005-09-29|https                                             |
|36863|New|Nor|2005-09-29|Space seperated cookie value text returned in quot|
|36866|New|   |2005-09-29|<Cluster> "name" attr. should actually be "cluster|
|36867|New|Nor|2005-09-29|Parser unable to identify commented lines ie: <!--|
|36887|New|Nor|2005-10-01|ROOT.war does not unpack                          |
|36893|New|Nor|2005-10-02|org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Can't find bund|
|36895|New|Nor|2005-10-03|get_most_suitable_worker  is called twice for a si|
|36905|New|Maj|2005-10-04|Tomcat WebDAV characters bug                      |
|36911|New|Min|2005-10-04|Make fails while building jsvc on mac os x, multip|
|36922|New|Min|2005-10-04|setup.sh file mis-advertised and missing          |
|36923|New|Nor|2005-10-05|Deactivated EL expressions are not parsed for jsp |
|36943|New|Blk|2005-10-06|Official src archive of tomcat 5.5.9 is damaged!  |
|36953|New|Nor|2005-10-06|RequestUtil class not found for SSI               |
|36968|New|Nor|2005-10-07|jasper2 Ant task fails when executed more than onc|
|36976|New|Nor|2005-10-08|Tomcat VM does not shutdown with remote jmx enable|
| Total  153 bugs                                                           |

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