"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> Ray Allis wrote:

> > (Which BTW is the last real dev snapshot. 1104 on are 1k.)
> >
> Yah, there's a bug in the build process that will be addressed as soon
> as we put the 3.2 release issue to bed.


> > Is webdav in the dev queue?  No harassment meant, just curious. :-)
> It's actually present in the Tomcat 4.0 milestone 4 release.  If you
> start up Tomcat and point your browser at http://localhost:8080, you
> will see a hyperlink to a webdav enabled context.  By default, this is
> read only but can be adjusted by parameters in the web.xml file to
> become read-write.

O.K., I can see /webdav with a browser, but I can't see it using the 
cadaver or DAV Explorer.  Which obvious thing am I missing?  ;) 

183 memes /site/ray:gzip -dc jakarta-tomcat-4.0-m4.tar.gz | gtar xvf -
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
186 memes /site/ray:TOMCAT_HOME=/site/ray/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-m4;export
187 memes /site/ray:cd $TOMCAT_HOME
188 memes /site/ray/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-m4:bin/startup.sh
189 memes /site/ray/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-m4:ps -ef | grep java
     ray  2863     1  0 12:36:51 pts/5    0:15
/usr/java/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -classpath
     ray  2883  2813  0 12:40:45 pts/5    0:00 grep java
190 memes /site/ray/jakarta-tomcat-4.0-m4:cadaver
Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
Could not contact server:
Could not read response body: connection timed out.
dav:!> open memes.sea.boeing.com:80
Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
Could not access / (not WebDAV-enabled?):
400 Bad Request
Connection to `memes.sea.boeing.com' closed.
dav:!> open localhost:80
Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
Could not access / (not WebDAV-enabled?):
400 Bad Request
Connection to `localhost' closed.
dav:!> open localhost:8080
Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
Could not contact server:
Could not read response body: connection timed out.
dav:!> open memes.sea.boeing.com:8080/webdav/
Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
Could not contact server:
Could not read response body: connection timed out.
 ... and so on. 

Oh, shoot!  I just tried IE5 on an NT box and it worked!  I opened
a web folder at http://memes.sea.boeing.com:8080/webdav/.  Even
dragged some html files to it.  A nearby (supposedly) identical
NT box says "Could not open ... as a web folder.  ... default?"

IE5 on one Win '98 works, another seemingly identical does not.  
cadaver on memes fails consistently.  What the heck?  ;)

Ray Allis

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