Hi Betty,

Actually, I *do* think that this information is available as part of a
normal HTTP request
(at least under some conditions, like if redirected by a page whose status
code is
"temporarily moved" or "permanently moved").

I have vague memories of using this feature from CGI about 4 years ago....

I think that if you use request.getHeaderNames() and print out the results,
you may find
the header name you want, eg it might be "http-referrer". Once you figure
out what
the header you need is, you can then use request.getHeader("http-referrer")
or whatever
in your code.

You might also want to search around on www.w3c.org for the actual formal

Of course I could be completely wrong..


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Freyer [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:10 PM
> Subject:      RE: servlets and the refer link
> I'm not aware of any call to get the most recent page from a browser's
> cache.  It isn't sent as part of a normal HTTP request.
> You can get it using javascript though--create an HTML or JSP page that
> contains a hidden form.  Place a JavaSript function in the page that runs
> in the  OnLoad event.  Make it detect the browser and use the correct
> object model to grab the most recent entry in the history list and put it
> in the form.  Then submit the form to your server. 
> Fair warning though--people don't like it when developers mess with their
> privacy.  Be careful.
> Chris
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Betty Chang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 11:07 PM
> Subject: servlets and the refer link
>       Hi all -- which call do I make to obtain the "refer link" when my
> servlet is accessed via a doGet()?
>       I want to obtain the last URL that user visited before getting to my
> servlet.  Is that possible?
>       Thanks
>       Betty

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