Is there any documentation on how server.xml works, in realtion to mappings
and JkMount directives in Apache? Specifically for version 3.2b6 of

Although the user guide is good, it doens't give a lot of detail on how
the path attribute in a context relates to a directory, and to a JkMount
in apache's configuration file. (I had the same problem with JServ originally
with a mapping, or a zone to an alias)

The main problem I am having is getting .war files (the struts packages) to
load anywhere else besides the default $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps 

I've got my own examples running, and the tomcat examples/admin/test
running. But I can't work out how to get .war files loaded that sit in
the document root of a webserver, that should use a context something like

Does a blank path come first, or last? The Host example has it first,
but this breaks my setup.

<Host name="">

        [snip for exmaples/admin/test ...]

        <Context path=""
                 reloadable="true" >

where I have in the httpd.conf

ServerAlias endonet

[snip ...]

JkMount *.do apj13
JkMount /struts-documentation apj13
JkMount /struts-example apj13


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