I am getting this while using request.getOutputStream() to write binary data
is a JSP.
I did some more hunting and it looks like this is not allowed, and should be
done only in a servlet.
I is a shame, because it was only three lines of code and to go through all
the servlet sets just for just three
lines of code.

Jim K

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [BUG] OutputStream is already being used for this request

kramer wrote:

> I am still getting the error message "OutputStream is already being used
> this request" even with 3.2 beta 7.
> Does any one know if this should be fix prior to finial 3.2?

Under what circumstances are you getting this message?  There are valid
cases of
getting this that are required by the servlet 2.2 specification -- but
knowing what your scenario is, nobody can tell if this is a feature or a bug

Craig McClanahan

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