
I do have have the same problem, I am interested in sharing any solution
you can find.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Lehon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: mardi 14 novembre 2000 8:17
Subject: Problems getting generated images through the IIS connector.


We are having a wierd problem here... here's the (short) story.

We are generating JPEG Images from one of our servlets (Java2D and the sun
Jpeg codec).

It shows up correctly in IE without problems... but when we try to print the
page (yep, some of our users want to do that), the images do not show.

The wired thing is that it only happens when we access the images through
IIS (using the isapi_redirect filter).
When we access the image through tomcat (port 8080) they show and print

I tried to look a little bit further...
In IE when I take the properties of the image (coming trough Tomcat:8080) it
knows the size (in pixels and in bytes) and it shows it mime/type (JPEG).
When I do the same trough IIS it does not know the size (in bytes) nor its
mime type. Even save image does not work as expected (it only saves in BMP).

I almost forgot to mention versions... I does that under Tomcat 3.1 (final)
and the new 3.2b7, I'm going to test with the 4.0M4 very soon.

Does anyone has any idea ???

Thanks a lot.

Michel Lehon.
SAS Data Warehousing and Web Enablement.

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