This is a FAQ.  You must download the *src* package to get these
classes!  Just download the binary, use that to install tomcat, then
download the src package and get the jserv or jk adapters from there...

On a side note, I installed JRun yesterday to benchmark some things
against Tomcat (I need to justify the decision to go with Tomcat, so I
needed something to measure against).  One cool thing is does is that
the interfacing to Apache is done via a shipped servlet with JRun that
you run within the JRun server, give it some parameters, and then it
compiles a new module for Apache and loads it in!  I was amazed, it
actually worked and didn't get anything wrong...  Be slick to be able to
match that
ability, and it would end questions like this ;-)

Michael J. Suzio
Lead Software Engineer -- ISS Southfield

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