"Julia (Hyunjoo) Walker" wrote:

> I read through all the documentation pages more than once but couldn't
> find any comments about how log files are managed.  For example, if
> there are any size limits on the TomCat log files (i.e., jasper.log,
> servlet.log, etc.); or, if there are limits, whether or not Tomcat will
> create a series of related log files, and so on and so on.  If this is
> documented somewhere, where can I find it?  If not, I will appreciate
> any info you might have.   As far as I know, TomCat does not have
> file-size limits, but that's my guess.
> Thank you in advance!

You are correct on your guess ... Tomcat has no built-in limits on how big the
log files will get.  However, you have indirect control over this by what kinds
of debugging detail you request in your logger configurations in server.xml.

For Tomcat 3.x, all of the loggers simply append to the configured filenames, so
you have to periodically shut down and restart Tomcat to replace the old logs
with new empty ones.  In Tomcat 4.0, all of the standard loggers include the
current date in their filenames for you, and switch automatically on the first
entry to that log file after each midnight.

> - Julia Walker

Craig McClanahan

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