> Brett Bergquist wrote:
> > Actually the test that you want is:
> >
> >         if (user.compareTo("admin") == 0) {
> >                 ...
> >         }
> And how is this any different from using "if (user.equals("admin"))"?

The method 'compareTo(Object o)' is specified in java.lang.Comparable, which
String implements.

'compareTo(Object o)' returns an int - It is used when you want to sort a
bunch of Comparable objects
(see the API docs...).

'equals(Object o)' returns a boolean - In this case it returns true if the 2
Strings are the same length and
contain the same characters (same case) in the same order.

'compareTo(Object o)' is used in the Collections framework by various
sorting algorithms.

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