> Wyn Easton wrote:
> > -- for carnell - I lost the message link
> >
> > I had a moment to look at the Tomcat source and in
> > RequestDispatcherImpl saw that the service() method is called
> > for RequestDispatcher's forward() and include().
> > JSP's _jspService() is like a regular servlet's service() method.
> > So, if you want to include an already written Servlet that outputs
> > in the doGet() method from a JSP you'll have to call the doGet()
> > from the Servlet's service() method.
> > You could also add a parameter to the path when creating the
> > RequestDispatcher that would allow you to
> > call the doGet() when you are including the Servlet from your JSP
> and
> > act as it did before if not included from your JSP.
> > Like this:
> >
> > --IN JSP--
> > RequestDispatcher rd =
> >  request.getRequestDispatcher("aServlet?JspInclude=true");
> > rd.include();
> >

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is actually easier than this ... you do not need a scriptlet at
> all:
>     <jsp:include page="aServlet?JspInclude=true" flush="true"/>

Well sure you can do it that way if you want to do it the EASY way :-)

Thanks for the input Craig.

> >
> > --IN aServlet service() method--
> > String jspIncld = (String)request.getParameter("JspInclude");
> > if (jspIncld != null)
> > if ( jspIncld.equals("true"))
> > {
> >   doGet(request,response);
> >   return;
> > }
> > ... do normal servlet processing ...
> >
> There is also a standard way to tell whether your servlet or JSP page
> has been
> included.
> The servlet container will set several request attributes that
> identify the
> request URI and other path elements of the included servlet.  For
> instance, in
> your servlet you can test if you are included like this:
>     if (request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.include.request_uri") !=
> null) {
>         ... I have been included ...
>     } else {
>         ... I have not been included ...
>     }
> so you don't even need a special query parameter for this purpose. 
> See the
> servlet 2.2 specification
> <http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html>
> for more information.
> > Wyn Easton
> Craig McClanahan

Wyn Easton

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