
I have problems installing Tomcat as a service in Windows 2000. I'm using 
Tomcat 3.2 b8.
The situation is like this: (after logging in as Administrator)

1. I have followed the steps described in the NT-Service-howto.html 
document in the doc directory of Tomcat.
2. In the Services-window, I updated the startup-type to "automatic"
3. Next, I started the service by pressing "Start"

Now, the tomcat service is running next to the Apache webserver and it 
works fine (I ran the examples delivered with tomcat and they worked). The 
problem begins when I log off. Normally, one would expect that the service 
keeps running, even when logging off. But this doesn't happen.

When I log off, the tomcat service stops executing (but the Apache 
webserver service continues executing as it should).
When I log back on as Administrator, the tomcat service isn't executing, I 
always have to start it manually. After logging off again, the tomcat 
service stops.
When I log back on as a normal user, the tomcat service isn't executing, 
and I cannot start the service: "error 5: access is denied". Now I have to 
start the tomcat program using the startup batch-file located in the bin 
directory of tomcat.

I hope I have provided you with enough information about this problem and I 
really hope you can help me solving this problem.


Maarten Coene
Dept. Computerwetenschappen             Tel: ++32 (0)16/32 78 25
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

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