I do not agree with this, as all the files in the work directory are being
deleted, it will
recomplile the jsp's and so that changes should have been reflected.

The problem might be with your browser settings, and it might be taking the
page from
the cache. Changes your browser settings to look for the new version of the
page every time you visit the page. Try deleting all your cache and then


>I would expand a bit what Serg is just saying:  If you are modifying a jsp
>file that is *included* JSP will not "detect" the change, as it only looks
>for the main page date. Just change the date of the main page (modifiyng it
>, or with a touch command) and that should work.

>Also(I know it  may sounds stupid) make sure your browser is not caching
>response. (hit reload..)


----- Original Message -----
From: Serg Velikanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat & Cache

> Hello zys,
> Saturday, November 25, 2000, 9:07:00 PM, you wrote:
> z> I am trying a jsp file, however if I change in the jsp file
> z> this modification is not taken by TOMCAT eventhough I
> z> shutdown & restart it and delete all *.java , *.class TOMCAT
> z> has generated for my jsp file.
> z> Did anyone faced such problem?
> z> regards
> z> ZIAD
> This is not a problem it's just a JSP spec about include directive and
> include action. This issue have been
> explained by Hans Bergsten, the author of JavaServer Pages from
> Oreilly. You can read this online in Han's Top Ten JSP Tips,
>  as I do at following URL http://java.oreilly.com. As for me it is
>  very profitable to read so.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Serg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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