         | index.html (html code..)
         | media/ (put your image here)
         | JSP/ (put youre Jsp here!)
         | WEB-INF
                | lib/ (put youre beans, and included classes here)
                | classes/ (put youre SERVLETS classes here in there
original strucutre.)
                | web.xml / this is you Servlets configuration file, read
the doc for how to confi it.

Hope this will help!

> I make a directory in WEBAPPS.I make directory "jsp","servlets" in the
directory and make directory classses in web-inf. I put my servlets class
file in directory "servlets" ,When I call it in jsp file,it doesn't work.How
can I do?
> My beans in directory "classes" can't be found too.
> thanks.

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