>I believe one solution offerred previously on this list (thank you Craig!)
>was to place all of your .jsp pages underneath /WEB-INF (e.g. 
>/WEB-INF/jsp/...) Since these can never be served up (goes against the 
>jsp/servlet spec)....
>At 11/30/2000 10:20 AM -0600, you wrote:
>> > hi all..
>> >
>> > We're hitting a problem with the MVC approach in tomcat.
>> >
>> > Our controller is designed to intercept all requests for URLs within our
>> > web application so that it can handle internationalization and security
>> > checks centrally.
>> >
>> > The problem is as follows:
>> > - the controller servlet registers interest in URLs of the form '*.jsp'
>> > - a request for 'a.jsp' arrives and the controller checks security and
>> > negotiates the locale settings
>> > - the controller includes the contents of 'a.jsp' in the response
>> >
>> > At this point it seems that tomcat takes over. Unfortunately, it doesn't
>> > retrieve the contents of the page - it just resubmits the request to the
>> > controller again, resulting in an endless loop. This also occurs for a
>> > 'forward'. Not good.
>> >
>> > One of the workarounds is to use URLs of the form '.do' to request page
>> > content. This allows the controller to forward to a .jsp URL without
>> > getting into a loop. The problem is that someone who knows the structure
>> > of the www site can submit requests for '.jsp' directly and bypass any
>> > security checks. The obvious workaround for this is to put tags into the
>> > .jsp pages and java calls into any servlets to perform the security check
>> > - but this negates any advantage to the MVC approach (and forces
>> > page/servlet developers to remember to place checks into all of their
>> > content).
>> >
>> > We're probably missing something - it seems difficult to believe that the
>> > MVC approach has such a fundamental flaw.
>> >
>> > thanks!
>> > David Aiken
>> > BMC Software

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