I'm having Yet Another Servlet Mapping Problem.

I'm trying to disable the /servlet/ mapping with my web-application. Here's the
gist of what's happening.

 My webapp is called "songs" it get's deployed according to J2EE specs. In the
webapps folder there's a
songs folder with an html file called songs_index.html.

in songs\WEB-INF, I put my servlet into the classes folder (and some dependent
jars in the lib folder).

In web.xml I add the following:


I don't specify a mapping as I want to use the default.

In songs_index.html, I do a FORM POST to the following URL:

This works, however if I try the following
 it doesn't (404 is returned).

If I type in my URL as follows:


the servlet fires

if I type


it doesn't.

so How do I turn off that /servlet/ prefix? I've tried removing prefix=/servlet/
from the InvokerInterceptor entry in server.xml
Additionally, what does that odd web.xml file in <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf do? I notice
that there's a servlet mapping for servlet-name=Invoker
that maps to /servlet/* - I tried removing that but it made no difference.

How *do* you set up a servlet to be called in the application space but without
the /servet/ prefix?


p.s. I'm using the final release of Tomcat.

Juan Munoz wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm developing a VoiceXML application using tellme.com's tools.  Apparently,
> their browser doesn't work properly unless the correct content-length header
> is set.  Tomcat doesn't set this correctly from the JSPs I'm writing.  How
> can I configure tomcat to set the correct content-length?  I haven't been
> able to find any documentation anywhere on this.
> Has anyone else here been able to get tomcat to work with tellme?
> Thanks for any help,
> -Juan
> -------------------------------------------
> Juan Munoz
> Scient (R):  Innovate - For What's Next(TM)
> 500 Technology Square
> Cambridge, MA 02139
> 617-768-2055(W)
> 617-461-6631(M)

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