On Tuesday 05 December 2000 04:18, christophe grosjean wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I get modules such as mod_jk.so (is this one better than
> mod_jserv.so?)
> and mod_rewrite.so.  ?
> Christophe

For mod_rewrite:

cd into the "src" directory of apache.
Edit the file "Configuration" and uncomment the line for mod_rewrite.
Run ./configure with --enable-module=rewrite
This builds mod_rewrite into apache.


For mod_jk, this comes with the tomcat source:

cd src/native/apache1.3
cp Makefile.linux Makefile
Edit Makefile and make sure the apxs path is right and whatever else.
Then, run "make"
Copy the mod_jk.so file to $APACHE_HOME/libexec
You'll have to read the tomcat docs to setup httpd.conf to load the mod_jk.so 
and other stuff that is in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/mod_jk.conf.  It says that you 
just: Include $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/mod_jk.conf into httpd.conf, but you'll want 
to edit mod_jk.conf and add:

(after LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so )
AddModule mod_jk.c
<IfModule mod_jk.c>
... rest of file

-------- Robert B. Easter  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------
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