I have seen in the archives several posts detailing the same problem.
However I could find no response. Hence I'm posting again.

OS - Win NT 4 sp6a
Suns JDK 1.2.1
Tomcat 3.2 final

The error occurs with JSP pages with a large number (250+) of taglib
The java source file is generated (500k). The class file is also
generated (90k).
When the page is accessed you get the java.lang.VerifyError.

When I compiled the generated java file myself with JDK 1.3 (default
options) I got a class file of (102k). This class file then works fine
when running Tomcat under JDK 1.2.1. However Running Tomcat under JDK
1.3 results in excessively large response times 40+ seconds (see my last
post - Performance problems with tomcat 3.2 and Sun's JDK1.3 for Win32).

Compiling manually with JDK 1.2.1 produces a class file of 90K and this
fails with the same verify error.

Does Jasper use any special compiler options ?

Could this be a memory problem that's not logged at compile time?

Any clues?


Duncan Reade
TecSys Infopartners S.A.
4, rue Jos Felten,
L-1508 Howald
Tel: +352 40116 3303
Fax: +352 40116 2331

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