You will certainly need JDK1.2.2 or later for SSL support, since JSSE
requires it.


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   06 December 2000 11:25
                To:     Trevor Little; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        Re: have you gotten tomcat and ssl working

                Is it a must to have JDK 1.2 or more for tomcat 3.2 ? i

                I have been successful in running tomcat 3.2 with SSL on
linux. But I am
                struggling for AIX. I did whatever I did in case of linux
except that I
                dont have jdk1.2, but I have jdk1.1.8 on AIX. But the tomcat
is starting up
                only for plain http and not for SSL-http... Could you share
any clues ?

                PS: tomcat 3.2 needs JRE 1.1 or more and therefore I think
it will work on
                JDK1.1.8 with JRE installed. Correct me, if I am wrong.
needs JDK1.2 or
                more ...

                Thanks in advance

                Trevor Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/05/2000
12:13:28 AM

                Please respond to Trevor Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                To:   Ashish Kundu/India/IBM@IBMIN
                Subject:  have you gotten tomcat and ssl working yet?

                I have and could help you if you need it.


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