I'm trying to configure Stronghold (commercial SSL version of Apache) to work
with Tomcat 3.2 and give it SSL  protection. I"ve got it working the Mod_Jserv.,
but would like to use the new "mod_jk". -- which the notes and HOW-TOs describe
as more capable than Mod_Jserv.
My system looks like this :
I have regular Apache running on port 80 at /usr/local/apache
Stronghold running on port 443 at /usr/local/sh3
and Tomcat 3.2 running on port 8080 at /usr/local/tomcat.

I 've managed to compile mod_jk sucessfully and the individual pieces seem ok,
but using HTTPS links on the tomcat stuff does not execute the java pages (as it
does with Mod_JSERV).

Can anyone give me the correct configuration to get this to work?

Thanks for your time,

Sanford Langbart
Broward  Community College

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