I believe I did reply, but here's what I wrote last time anyway:

> If I want every *.jsp in the entire web tree to be redirected from apache
> to tomcat, but still have the jsp files physically stored in the apache
> htdocs area, what would my server.xml(and/or mod_jk.conf) look like?
> 1) do I set the ROOT context of tomcat to be the same location as apache?
> OR
> 2) do I have some sort of obscure global mod_rewrite rule ?
> OR
> 3) do I symlink $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps to $APACHE_HOME/htdocs?
> OR
> 4) something else entirely? 
> AND, will this work with ~username server references?

I changed my server.xml to include a virtual host:

<Host name="">
    <Context path=""
             debug="0" />

I don't know if this is a Good Way to do this, I'm a newbie.

UserDir stuff doesn't work-I'm thinking it could be handled 
in a servlet, but I don't know that either, so don't quote me.


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