I recently posted this to "ant_user", since I assumed that this was an
ant problem, but I was sent to this list.  So here goes:

I recently upgraded from Tomcat 3.1 to Tomcat 3.2, then 3.2.1.  I
discovered the
requisite changes required to my build.xml file to allow the included
version of ant to do its job.  Everything is working except ./build
dist.   Resulting war files fail to build the correct directory
structure under $TOMCAT_HOME.  I'm unable to get the "myapp" sample
application to work properly.

If I go to $TOMCAT_HOME/doc/appdev/sample and issue:  ./build.sh  all,
everything compiles fine.  If I start tomcat, I can successfully
access the servlet.  If I then do a "./build.sh dist" and move the
resulting war file into the webapps directory of tomcat, shut down
tomcat, delete the myapp directory, then restart tomcat, the resulting
directly precludes running the app.  There isn't even a
WEB-INF/classes directory created.

This all worked fine for me in 3.1.  Can anyone offer an explanation?



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