Hey Matt,
  Funny I was just thinking of you a couple of days ago when we drove by that Dim-Sum restaurant we saw you in a couple of years ago...  how are things going?  Are you still in DC?  I don't remember where you were as of reunions....

Matt Becker wrote:

 I should be able to take the exact web app from my Windows machine and transfer it over to my Linux machine without compiling the java code, right?


At 02:01 PM 12/19/00, you wrote:

In your development environment, you probably need to include the WEF-INF path in your CLASSPATH.  You shouldn't have this for starting the server but for compiling your code, you do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Becker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 3:19 PM
To: tomcat mailing list
Subject: Class not found on import

Hi. From the Linux version of Tomcat I get an error something like "class
test.testbean not found on import." I don't understand how the exact web
app, testbean.class, etc. will run on my Windows machine which I'm using
for development, but bombs on my Linux sever. The testbean.class resides in
the "test" directory within the Web-inf's classes directory, exactly how
it's laid out on the win machine.

Anyone have an idea why Tomcat Linux wouldn't recognize the bean?



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