
I've got my website up&running http://www.be-day.com and it is
completely running using Tomcat. We are selling domainnames for .BE
(Belgium) Everything works fine but our latest feature : URL Forwarding.

Tomcat always reports : HANDLER THREAD PROBLEM :

We configured apache to take any unknown URL entering to one specific
virtual host which has an index.jsp file ready.
In case the customer configured URL Forwarding, I query the database and

turn the index.jsp page into a forwarding page to forward to the
configured URL. If no URL Forwarding is configured by the customer in
the database, I just turn the index.jsp page into a "parked domain"
If I access the index.jsp page directly I get no problems. I just type :

www.myserver.be/park/index.jsp and Tomcat responds properly. But if I
enter with www.mycustomerdomain.be, then apache takes this URL to
www.myserver.be/park/index.jsp but Tomcat responds with HANDLER THREAD
PROBLEM : java.lang.NullPointerException The parked pages and the rest
of the website run in the same Tomcat context. I already tried to fix
by separating the contexts. No luck.

Thx for your time & patience,


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