A word of caution.  Netscape 3.xx and 4.xx have a problem where they will 
not read cookies properly when the domain is not legal.

That is, they treat:




as two different domains

IE and Opera are both kinder and gentler with this and treat them as the 
same.  I reported this bug for the Mozilla browser a while ago and they 
fixed this problem in Mozilla (and hence Netscape 6).

The best thing to do would be to detect "myhost.com" and forward it to 
"www.myhost.com" on the server side.


At 12:39 PM 12/25/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all
>the documentation tells, that you're able to declare
>aliases for host names.
><Host name="www.myhost.com">
>   <Alias name="myhost.com"/>
>   ...
>Now this host should be accessable from
>   http://www.myhost.com and
>   http://myhost.com.
>but the second doesn't work? Is that a bug or is
>something wrong? What?
>btw. I am using Tomcat/4.0-m5
>Christian Parpart

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