I am close, but seem to be missing something.
I am running apache with mod_jk
i am using
        JkMount       /*.jsp ajp13
        JkMount       /servlet/* ajp13
I will try to be short in my description.

I have a servlet that loads up a class and then redirects it to a JSP.
This works fine, but I have to have the servlet in
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes directory
and the jsp in the
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/jsp/unitnet directory

I would like to get them under the same directory structure. You would think
this should be trivial.
I tried to create a directory $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/jsp

it can't find the JSP.

so I thought I need to create a new web-application.
I followed the doc, and added to the server.xml file
        <Context path="/consultants"
                 defaultSessionTimeOut="30" isWARExpanded="true"
                 isWARValidated="false" isInvokerEnabled="true"
                 reloadable="true" >

I also modified the tomcat.policy.
I get no errors , but apache does not seem to know how to find.

I would really like to get a web-application to work with apache. Can anyone
help me. Thier doesn't seem to be any doc on webapps and apache.

Or if I can't do that how bout being able to put jsp's in the
ROOT/WEB-INF/jsp and have it recognized.

PS. is anyone else having problems search the archives? It tries to
call http://mikal.org:9999/vestris/search.html but fails.

thanks for any help

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