
I'm trying to get Tomcat working as a stand alone on my server. Again.

I have unzipped/tared the 3.2 binary into the usr/local directory.
Tomcat was working before but for some reason it appeared to be
interferring with Apache and would grab the pages first (timeout) than
apache would display the page. It also prevented cgi scripts from being

This was confirmed when I ./bin/shutdown.sh tomcat and all those
problems went away. My apache server worked fine.
I'm not looking to merge the two.

But now that I try to restart Tomcat it doesn't work.
I have set all the env variables.
TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1; export TOMCAT_HOME
JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.3; export JAVA_HOME
CLASSPATH=/usr/local/jdk1.3/lib/tools.jar ; export CLASSPATH

Thinking that apache might be interferring with tomcat's start up (it
complained of an address already in use) I stopped apache
(/etc/init.d/apache stop) than ran ./bin/startup.sh. This is what it
Using classpath:

XXXXXX:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1# 2001-01-03 12:23:27 -
ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /examples )
2001-01-03 12:23:27 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /admin )
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
2001-01-03 12:23:27 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx(  )
2001-01-03 12:23:27 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /test )
FATAL:java.net.BindException: Address already in use
java.net.BindException: Address already in use
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:397)

Those FATAL.java.net errors I think are the main problem but I don't
know what could be causing them.
BTW - there is no tomcat.log file. There is a servlet and jasper.log
file. I have pasted them below. As you can see not much there.
Anyone have any thoughts on what it could be and how to fit it?
Any info or assistance is much appreciated.

PS(I'm running Debian 2.2rev2, JDK1.3, Tomcat3.2.1, and I downloaded the
old Java library which was preventing it from running the first time.)
xxxxxxx:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/logs# less jasper.log
2001-01-03 12:23:28 - Scratch dir for the JSP engine is:
2001-01-03 12:23:28 - IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
xxxxxxx:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/logs# less servlet.log
2001-01-03 12:23:28 - path="/examples" :jsp: init
2001-01-03 12:23:28 - path="/admin" :jsp: init
2001-01-03 12:23:28 - path="" :jsp: init
2001-01-03 12:23:29 - path="/test" :jsp: init
This was created right after I ran the ./bin/startup.sh script.
Well if you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them. Thanks.

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