Yeah, I've been a bit worried about this.  However, I've not yet heard of
any problems that have been caused by it, and XalanJ1 has long had a two
threaded system (though not as effective as in XalanJ2).   Ultimately, I
would rather use a pull model for this, and only have one thread, but a)
there is no standard "pull" API for XML parsers, and b) this doesn't work
anyway when SAX events are used, for whatever reason.

I'm open to any input to how Xalan might request the thread from the
servlet environment, though it has to be able to be run outside a servlet
environment too.  Also, it would be good if someone with deep knowledge of
EJB's and the like could comment.  I talked this over in a hallway
conversation with someone who is fairly familiar with EJB's, and he didn't
think there was a problem, though I forget why.  It seems insane/crazy to
me that a component can't use a thread in it's internal modules.


Dear Xalan developers,
I have a question about using upcoming Xalan2 in server env.

In Xalan2 design specs it is said:

"The Stree module implements the default Source Tree for Xalan, that is to
be transformed. It implements read-only DOM2 interfaces, and provides some
information needed for fast transforms, such as document order indexes. It
also attempts to allow a streaming transform by launching the transform on
secondary thread as soon as the SAX2 StartDocument event has occurred."

In server environment server usually controls threads creation. In many
cases component should not attempt to create its own threads.
For example thread's ContextClassLoader or ThreadLocal variables might need
to be initialized by the server.
Also it defeats thread pooling done by the server etc.

Could you please comment on this issue

Thank you very much in advance

Alex Roytman

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