For what it's worth, I can run TC 3.2.1 on the same machine as IIS both on
port 80 but different IP addresses. In server.xml it looks a bit like this:

        <!-- Normal HTTP -->
        <Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
            <Parameter name="handler"

            <Parameter name="port"
            <Parameter name="inet" value="" />

Obviously, would have to be an address bound to an interface on
that machine. I haven't tried doing this with SSL but I would suggest that
if you're really stuck, have a look through the source of the classes
mentioned in the config file.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 1:10 AM
Subject: Is ANYONE doing this?? TC3.2.1 standalone + SSL + multiple
instances on multiple IP's

> My frustration level has reached it's peak with this, so if I come across
> being a little short, I apologize in advance. I have not been able to find
> anything in the archives about this, and previous posts have not netted
much to
> help me with this problem. Perhaps it was just the holidays, so here we
> I am going to provide as much detail as I can in this message, so it may
> long, but hopefully it will garner some responses.
> Environment: Solaris 2.6 on SPARC, JDK 1.3, Tomcat 3.2.1 Standalone
> Goal: To run Tomcat standalone + SSL with Multiple IPs/domains on the same
> machine
> Background: I have installed TC 3.2.1 on a system, configured it to use
SSL with
> a certificate, and have run the included Tomcat apps successfully through
> and HTTPS.
> Problems: 1) Our app will not work under SSL, 2) Can't configure Tomcat to
> multiple IPs/domains
> Problem 1:
> I have created new directories for our applications and modified
server.xml to
> point to the tomcat3.2.1 directory as the TOMCAT_HOME directory, and our
> application's directory as the docBase and home directories (I will email
> server.xml to anyone interested in helping).
> The application runs just fine through HTTP when the docBase is set to the
> application's main directory which links to a subdirectory containing the
> index.html file for the app. The index.html file simply presents a "Login"
> which takes the user to the jsp file that performs the login. Everything
> just fine this way.
> With HTTPS, however, the application hangs after clicking on the link to
> subdirectory. The link is dynamically created by Tomcat and is relative,
so the
> source for the page shows the link being "/dirname", and hovering the
mouse over
> the link displays it as "https://123.456.789.012/dirname". HOWEVER,
clicking on
> the link makes the status bar display "Connect: Host 123.456.789.012:80
> contacted. Waiting for reply..."
> The tomcat.log shows:
> 2001-01-09 10:48:37 - ContextManager: Error mapping the request R(  +
/dirname +
> null) 302
> 2001-01-09 10:48:37 - Ctx( ): Handler
> tomcat.redirectHandler(null/null) tomcat.redirectHandler
> What is causing this problem?
> Problem 2:
> I can not seem to get Tomcat to bind to different IP addresses. I have
> adding "inet=" and "address=" directives in various spots throughout the
> server.xml file for each test server created, but starting up Tomcat the
> time returns "Address already in use" and the second address is
unavailable. We
> want to be able to shutdown/restart/startup Tomcat on one IP and not
> other running Tomcat instances.
> If you are running Tomcat standalone with multiple IP addresses, or know
> who is, PLEASE email me your config files or tell me how you have done
> I have been working at this off and on for almost three weeks and have
posted to
> this list a couple of times asking for help, but no one seems to be
> Tomcat in this way. If this can not be done in standalone, then we may
have to
> abandon Tomcat and look elsewhere. All of our pages are dynamic, so we
> don't need any of the static services of Apache, thus the need to Tomcat
to be
> configured by itself.
> Yours in exhaustion,
> Dion Vansevenant
> Internetwork Administrator
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