Isn't that just the result of the http server config?  If the web server
sends all requests to the servlet/JSP container, I think it will handle
them OK in the webapp area.

David Wall wrote:

> I'm new to Tomcat 3.2.1 and Servlet 2.2 in particular, having just
> come from JRun before webapps made their debut. I'm struggling with
> the "best practices" people are using for storing their JSPs and Java
> class files in the webapps directory, while storing images and html
> files in the web server directory root. For example, in Apache 1.3.14,
> my document root is htdocs and I am putting some files there for
> serving by apache,
> like: htdocs/images/a.gifhtdocs/images/b.gifhtdocs/index.jsp     <--
> empty dummy file workaround so that Apache will send a request for "/"
> to Tomcat's ROOT index.jsphtdocs/app.jshtdocs/app.cssetc... And in my
> webapps under Tomcat I have: webapps/ROOT/index.jsp    <-- the actual
> index.jsp served up when I enter "/" for
> apachewebapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/   (all of my class files needed
> just by the index.jsp
> (all the class files needed by 'pub' application, even though they are
> the same as those for ROOT). My questions are: 1) This separation of
> the JSP files from stuff like images, javascripts, stylesheets when
> deployed seems like a pain since they need to be in the same directory
> when I'm using my editing tools (like Dreamweaver).  Only when I
> deploy do I need to move the static files to the apache locations and
> the JSPs to the Tomcat webapps area.  Don't others find this to be a
> pain, or I am just not doing it right? 2) The ROOT and pub
> applications are really not distinct applications, only a separation
> of JSPs and such from the root to a public directory.  I had this
> subdirectory structure back before webapps, and they were done to
> organize the JSPs into logical groups like how all HTML sites are
> done.  They are not put into separate subdirectories because they are
> separate webapps.  Can a single webapp support multiple directories,
> or at least a directory and all subdirectories?  Perhaps ROOT is just
> abnormal because everybody wants a page to be displayed when they
> enter your URL like 3) When Java classes are
> shared by several webapps, they have to appear in each of the webapps'
> WEB-INF/classes directories.  Is that what people are doing, or are
> they JARing them up and then putting them in a common location (like
> Tomcat's 'lib') to be shared by all? Any thoughts will help.  The
> separation forced by the webapps concept seems broken to me since it
> seems unlikely that web servers and their standard document root
> processing is not going to go away anytime soon (we still have PHP,
> CGI, images, etc. besides JSPs). David

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