Again my problem is:

Tomcat 3.2.1 standalone with SSL on JDK1.3 Win2K
I use the builtin ServletAPI - sessionmanagment
in a small shopapp.
Because cookies are disabled in many browsers, I prefere
sessionmangment with urlrewriting. (server.xml --> noCookies)
On normal http requests the sessionmanagment make a good job.
But changing to a safe https SSL connection for sensitive data the session
is lost and a new session is created. Every time I reload this (https) page
a new session is returned!??
It seems to me that Tomcat can not rewrite the URL to safe the sessionID.

Is this a problem of the https protokoll is urlrewriting under https
Is there a workaround to use the sessions without turning on cookies under

Is there for example a way to manualy pass the sessionID and get the user
session like this:
session.getSession("sessionID"); ????

need your help,

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