I got it running on FreeBSD 4.0 using jdk1.1.8. Should be similar with
1.2 native, also on linux 6.2 with jdk1.3. 

The process is explained in some detail in the mod_jk.so how-to in the doc
folder of the source distro. (or on line in the tomcat documentation).  You did
read the documentation, right? ;-)

If you need more help I explained what I did and this is posted, should be easy
to find in the tomcat-user archives by searching on FreeBSD.


On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> Hi.  I'm trying to get tomcat working with the following versions:
> jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1
> apache-1.3.14
> jdk-1.2.2-beta (native freebsd build)
> I haven't yet tried to run this all under linux emulation, and would rather
> not.
> The problem I've been having is that Apache won't load mod_jk.so because of
> undefined linker symbols.  At first this was "fdatasync".  I looked over the
> tomcat-user mail archive and found a thread that seemed to relate to this
> from
> last December, at:
>       http://mikal.org/interests/java/tomcat_users/msg18074.html
> ...therein, "AC" notes a section in jk_util.c that has ifdef sections for
> ddifferent operating systems, to wit:
> #ifndef WIN32
> #ifndef FREEBSD
> #ifndef NETWARE
>             fdatasync(fileno(p->logfile));
> #endif
> #endif
> #endif
> Scrutinizing Makefile.freebsd more closely, I discovered that it defines
> DLINUX -Wall
> Note the -DLINUX.  I changed this to -DFREEBSD and came up with a new link
> error
> upon starting apache:
> Cannot load /usr/apache/libexec/mod_jk.so into server:
> /usr/apache/libexec/mod_jk.so: Undefined symbol "pthread_mutex_unlock"
> I've tried defining both FREEBSD and LINUX, and I've tried
> deleting -pthread, to
> no effect.
> Can anyone help me with this?  I'm not too up up how to go about handling
> thread
> libraries on FreeBSD, and moreover the parameters in the Makefile seem to be
> incorrect.  Is there a more recent Makefile.freebsd I could use, or could
> somebody
> mail out a functioning one?
> TIA,
> Tim
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