     I want to configure Apache and Tomcat . For this i have
downloaded  Apache and Tomcat .

One Adapter mod_jserv is required for redirectiong the request. So i
have downloaded the src for Tomcat

jakarta-tomcat-3_2_1-src_tar.tar   file............

but when i tried to make the file , the following error occured .................

# cd apache
# cd jserv
# ls
Makefile.am           jserv_ajpv12.c        jserv_watchdog.c
Makefile.libdir       jserv_balance.c       jserv_wrapper.c
Makefile.tmpl         jserv_image.c         jserv_wrapper.h
Makefile.win32        jserv_mmap.c          jserv_wrapper_unix.c
autochange.c          jserv_protocols.c     jserv_wrapper_win.c
jserv.h               jserv_status.c        libjserv.module
jserv_ajpv11.c        jserv_utils.c         mod_jserv.c
# apxs -c *.c -o mod_jserv.so
ksh: apxs:  not found.
# /applns/apache/bin/apxs -c *.c -o mod_jserv.so
apxs:Error: Sorry, no DSO support for Apache available
apxs:Error: under your platform. Make sure the Apache
apxs:Error: module mod_so is compiled into your server
apxs:Error: binary `/applns/apache/bin/httpd'.

Can anyone help me out
Thanks in advance

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