I'm new to Tomcat; I've recently downloaded and installed (from binaries) 
Tomcat 3.2 for Windows onto a WinNT 4.0 SP6a machine.  I'm using IIS 4.0, 
JDK1.3 (Sun's), servlet API 2.1.1 (Sun's), isapi_redirect.dll, and I'm 
running Tomcat as an NT service (jk_nt_service.exe).

I've read (and re-read and re-read) all the on-line docs that come with the 
Jakarta-Tomcat ZIP.  I've also poured over bunches of docs and samples 
found on the Web, as well as consulting the O'Reilly's "Java Examples in a 
Nutshell" book.

No matter what I do, I CANNOT get a servlet to run within my own 
context.  I have NO problem running the demos (examples), and I *CAN* get 
my servlet to run, but ONLY if I drop it into the examples\WEB-INF\classes 
directory.  (Therefore, I know my Tomcat installation is fine, and I know 
that my servlet works.)

I've added the following to conf\server.xml between two other <Context ...> 

        <Context path="/util"
                 reloadable="true" >

I've created webapps\util and ...\util\WEB-INF and ...\util\WEB-INF\classes.
I copied conf\web.xml to my WEB-INF directory and tweaked it down to this:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <!DOCTYPE web-app
            PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

Needless to say, the servlet's name is SimpleServlet, and it belongs to no 
I might add at this point that when I dropped my servlet's class into the 
examples directory - the only place I can get it to run - I did NOT need to 
alter the web.xml file in that location.

The best and most clear instructions I have found for how to "install" a 
servlet appear in the FAQ list of the docs included with the Tomcat 
installation.  Yet, even after following those procedures step-by-step, I 
still cannot get my servlet to run within a context I created.


- Liam

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