Title: Anyone doing their own taglib?
You could always try a templating engine like Webmacro (http://www.webmacro.org/). The templating script they have developed could assist you keep your back end logic one place and your view (formatting, presentation) completely separate.  Your objects can return lists/objects/etc. and, in the template, you can loop/access/etc. those objects...
Need any pointers just ask,
Jason B. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Fisher, Vick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: Anyone doing their own taglib?

Hi All,

I have implemented a few simple tags that use attributes and parameters.  I would like to use JSP to keep presentation(formatting) separate from content and processing.  It seems to me that tag libs need to be able to return a list, vector, array, enum, or some other multi-part form of data, rather than printing directly to out.println.  As it is, it seems tags are forced to place HTML formatting statements in the taglib implementation when returning more than one item in a single call.  Then, presentation is mixed into the processing and content returned by the tag.  Shouldn't the tag be able to return data that can be formatted differently without changing the tag implementation?  Maybe as objects in the session??

Vick Fisher
TEOCO, Fairfax, VA

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