> 1. I know that linux will show me a lot of processes. I 
> know these processes are native threads and they share the 
> memory. (I have more then 40 processes, each one is 
> consuming 70456. This means that Tomcat isn't using 40 x 
> 70456. But all these processes are sharing the same 
> 40456.)
> 2. But still ... isn't 70456 (70 MB) a bit too much ? Even 
> worse : my provider does get 142M. I think this is NOT 
> normal and we do something wrong.

Are you sure you aren't mixing up VSZ and RSS? VSZ is the size of the code image (i.e. 
of the "java" JVM exectuable) in RAM in _bytes_, while RSS (the resident set size) is 
the total amount of memory used by the process, in kilobytes...

On our linux server, Tomcat's threads show up like this:

USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY ...
root     23085  0.0  5.4 145016 14124 ?   

Which means that the executable image is 140 KB and Tomcat uses about 14 MB of RAM in 

np: Luomo - Call (Vocalcity)

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