Thats really unfortunate.  You should post this in the 
bugtracker.  It seems that this is a common problem.
I'd post it in the jakarta/tomcat one as JBOSS seems
to be a bit less communicative.

On that subject (and somewhat off topic) what all exact
files does one need to deploy an EJB.  I keep getting
some obnoxious error about deployment.cfg not existing
(right after it deleted it).  I had a jar and a ejb-jar.xml
in its META-INF and no luck.  

-----Original Message-----
From: shiva nand tripathi
Sent: 1/27/01 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: RE: TOMCAT3.2  BUG

Thanks for replying.
Yes i am sure that this is not problem of file permissions. File is
availbale to all for reading and writing.


------------- Original Message --------------
"oliver2, andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To:'shiva nand tripathi ' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
From:"oliver2, andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:Sat, 27 Jan 2001 12:27:33 -0500
Subject: RE: TOMCAT3.2  BUG

 are you sure the file had the proper permissions for
the user tomcat is running as?

-----Original Message-----
From: shiva nand tripathi
Sent: 1/27/01 12:11 PM
Subject: TOMCAT3.2  BUG

I am integrating Apache Web server, Tomcat and Jboss (EJB container).
Tomcat is running out of Apache process using mod_jk adapter. Tomcat is
working fine for serving normal servlets and jsp. I deployed EJB on
jBoss and accessed that by creating one java client application, it
worked all right. Now when i want to access that EJB through Servlet, it
is giving problems. I copied all the libraries required for client
(ejb.jar, jnp-client.jar, jboss-client.jar and jta-spec.jar) to
WEB-INF/lib, servlet and other helping classes to WEB-INF/classes. Now
when i access the Servlet it gives " Cannot instantiate class:
org.jnp.interf aces.NamingContextFactory. Root exception is
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" Though this class is available
in jnp-client.jar library which is in WEB-INF/lib directory. As per
Tomcat documentation, Tomcat will include all jar files from
WEB-INF/lib/ to classpath, but it is not working here. When i copied
that the suppored client library files, jnp-client.jar etc ... to
TOMCAT_HOME/lib, it started working. This shows that WEB-INF/lib/*.jar
are not included in classpath. HELP?????????????????????????? 

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