Thomas Bartels wrote:
> I recently installed Tomcat 3.2.1 on a RedHat 6.2 Linux System and have
> come across some strange issues.  I am using it solely for the jsp
> functionality not for servlets.  I am running it in conjunction with
> Apache 1.3.12(to serve static content, images etc.)
> Whenever I do an include, from a .jsp file, that passes a param value
> with ' ' in the value string I get some really strange exceptions,
> the first exception is a FileNotFoundException, all of the included
> files are referred to relatively i.e. "../header.jsp" and do exist, if I
> remove the ".." I can get rid of the FileNotFoundException. Ok, but now
> I get: Internal Servlet Error: javax.servlet.ServletException; Root
> Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.  (please let me know if you
> need more info than that as the full errors were much longer etc.)
> Finally, to fix this, I remove the ' ' from the param line in the
> include statement below.
> <jsp:include page="/header_out.jsp" flush="true">
>         <jsp:param name="cur_page" value="Learn&nbsp;More" />
> </jsp:include>

I am betting that the & confuses the request parser because of
the similarity to the way form parameters are passed, but I don't
know why that would generate those exceptions.

Java Cert mock exams
Author of Java Developer's Guide to Servlets and JSP 
ISBN 0-7821-2809-2

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