Title: RE: Connection aborted - jasper problem?

This is a non-fatal error. IE aborts the connection prematurely, because it realizes that it has something in the local cache. Or something like that. I wouldn't worry about it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Meier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 7:17 AM
Subject: Connection aborted - jasper problem?

When calling jsp pages with IE5.5 tomcat throws IOExceptions for all
"external files" like gifs, css,....
(2001-01-31 12:56:36 - Ctx(  ): IOException in: R(  + /gfx/header.gif +
null) Connection aborted by peer: socket write error

This does not occur when calling the pages with Netscape. However, I seem to
get a "connection aborted" message for a short moment before the new page is

Although it doesn't seem to have any bad effects (the images show up
correctly and the css is loaded, jsp work perfectly), I'm wondering what is
causing the exception, i.e. is any special configuration required for IE
compatibility ?

Or is there probably a minor flaw in tomcat/jasper that jsp-compiled
servlets do not close the streams correctly? From what I saw in the
generated servlet source the HTTPResponseStream is flushed, but not closed.
Can this cause the above behaviour?

Many thanks for your help!

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