> The real question being asked is Tomcat suitable for production
> environments.  This is something I really would like to get a 
> feel for from
> other developers experiences.  I am very interested in using 
> Tomcat for
> production and the performance seems reasonable enough for 
> me.  I am curious
> about monitoring tools and security issues with open source; 
> that is what
> our IT department will hammer us on.  

I really think this has to be done on a case by case evaluation.
I believe that in general Tomcat IS production ready but there can 
always be cases developed that Tomcat(and servlets/jsps in general) 
doesn't fit into well.

Michael Wentzel
Software Developer
<A HREF="http://www.aswethink.com">Software As We Think</A>
<A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Michael Wentzel</A>

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