Go to java.sun.com for documentation.  (Good luck wading through it 

The "sunwjit" means the environment variable was not set right.  It 
should look like this (I'm using c-shell, /bin/csh): Notice the "nojit".

> ./java -version
java version "1.2.2"
Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_05, native threads, nojit)

Remember that an environment variable is only set for the current shell.  
If you set the variable, then open a new terminal window, that setting is 
*not* in the new terminal.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/4/01, 12:19:34 PM, Angus M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
Re: Can't see line numbers in exceptions:

> Where do I set this flag?  I did setenv and set for this variable.
> Didn't help.  Is there a reference that describes these features where I
> could look this up?

> java -version
> java version "1.2.2"
> Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, native threads, sunwjit)
> ^^^^^  Could this be part of the problem? ^^^^^

> As you can see in the build.xml snippet below, I did turn debug="on"
> --Angus

> Chris Janicki wrote:
> >
> > The phrase "Compiled Code" in your stack trace indicates that your java
> > bytecode has been compiled by the JIT or Hotspot, so it has no reference
> > to line numbers anymore.  You can prevent your code from being natively
> > compiled by setting an environment variable: JAVA_COMPILER=NONE  Then,
> > java will just execute your bytecode and have full knowledge of where
> > it's at.  Of course it will run a bit slower too, so just use this for
> > testing.
> >
> > I think you might also have to make sure that your code was compiled by
> > javac/fastjavac with the "-g" option, but I'm not sure about that.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> >
> > On 2/4/01, 9:21:19 AM, Angus M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding
> > Can't see line numbers in exceptions:
> >
> > > When I dump a stack trace the the brower or to the tomcat log I can seem
> > > to see the line numbers in the trace.  How do I turn this on?
> >
> > > build.xml snippet:
> > >   <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
> > >     <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/classes"
> > >            classpath="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/classes"
> > >            debug="on" optimize="off" deprecation="off"/>
> > >     <copy   todir="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/classes">
> > >       <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.properties"/>
> > >     </copy>
> > >   </target>
> >
> > > Stack Trace:
> > > java.lang.NullPointerException
> > >       at org.phoenix.bugbase.Frame.doGet(Frame.java, Compiled Code)
> > >       at org.phoenix.bugbase.Frame.doPost(Frame.java, Compiled Code)

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