Title: Unable to load servlet on startup ??


I am trying to use Tomcat in a standalone mode. I have a working application under jrun and am trying to move it to
Tomcat. I am trying to use my existing directory structure and hence am not using the /webapps/  path.
I have a servlet which i need to load on startup. This servlet reads a properties files. I have this information (load-on-startup and param name/value) in the web.xml  file in the conf directory. I have added a <context> </context> block in the server.xml file.

I have all the necessary jars and class files in the CLASSPATH.

However, when tomcat starts , i don't think the servlet is being loaded. How do i check if the servlet is loaded ?? What am i doing wrong ??

I donot see any errors in the log files.

Any help is appreciated.


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