Hello All!

Our team here has written a simple Connection Pool
class that is a singleton.

I've noticed that whenever Tomcat reloads my webapps
context (when I add a new class or something like
that), that it the next call to the Connection Pool
get instance method doesn't see the previous
singleton, and hence, it allocates a bunch of new

This would be fine, except that the old connections
are never closed (it seems that the Garbage Collector
doesn't eat them up) so I think that the old instance
of the singleton is still floating around in the JVM

This causes all the free sessions on the Database to
be eaten up, forcing a restart of tomcat.  Once tomcat
is restarted, all the connections are closed out
(since the JVM terminated, I guess) and things are
fine again.

What do I need to do so that the old connections are
removed?  This is on Tomcat 3.3.1a.  Here is the
relevent code of the Singleton getInstance method:

    public static synchronized ConnectionPool
getInstance(ConnectionPoolConstants c) throws
SQLException {

        constants = c;

        if (instance == null) {
            // Determine which database url to connect
            db_url = constants.getTestDBURL();
            String line = "";
            try {
                Vector return_vec =
                Enumeration return_enum =
                while (return_enum.hasMoreElements())
                    line = (String)
            } catch (InterruptedException ire) {

            } catch (IOException ioe) {


                db_url =

            instance = new ConnectionPool();
        return instance;

Thanks for any insights!


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