I'm a little late with this.  I have an app running under tomcat3 and am
trying to move it to tomcat4.1.18.


I moved the directory structure  to WEB-INF, added a context to server.xml
and a mapping to my web.xml file, but I get a file not found error when I
run the app and it tries the first servlet.  Here is a snippet of my web.xml






















and my context in server.xml


<!-- workout Context -->

        <Context path="/workout" docBase="workout" debug="0"

                 reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

          <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"

                     prefix="localhost_workout_log." suffix=".txt"






This app uses MySql, so have yet to deal with that whole issue, but I would
at least like to get connected to the servlet.  I've looked through the
archive, but none of the previous answers really apply to my case.  The log
indicates that the webapp is loaded. Thanks.




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